ACTIVITY 16 Lessons Learned P Theme: There is value in going slow. Objectives: • Participants will analyze the consequences of neglecting important issues as relationships develop. • Participants will use critical thinking to examine important relationship questions. Time needed: 20 minutes Materials needed: • Five Things to Know Before You Say “Go” cards for each pair of students. • Copy of the Lessons Learned Worksheet for each pair of students. Activity Summary: Mistakes are often easier to identify in others. This activity helps students look at others in their life to see the negative consequences of not asking important questions before proceeding deeply into a relationship. Directions: • Ask each student to find a partner. • Partners are given five cards from the Things to Know Before You Say “Go” deck. • Ask the students to read the cards front and back, looking for examples of questions that were not asked by people they know as they entered relationships. • Ask them to fill out the Lessons Learned Worksheet and discuss any lessons that can be learned from this. RELATIONSHIPS GO THROUGH STAGES • 37 COPYRIGHT © 2011 BY ELSBETH MARTINDALE
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