may find the cards beneficial to initiate family discussions about financial matters and money choices. The cards and the Journal can be used as a stand-alone activity apart from the Instructor’s Manual. Money HabitudesTM Journal The Money HabitudesTM Journal is designed to be used in conjunction with the lessons and cards. The Journal serves as experiential learning. It gives the participants the opportunity to reflect and respond to what they are learning and to connect their personal experiences with the learning. Each participant should follow along in the Journal as the various lessons are presented. Depending on time and the setting, the Journal can be completed during a lesson or at a later time. Each participant should have his or her own Journal and should be encouraged to keep it and refer back to it as money issues arise in their lives. In the case that a young person could not find a class that is teaching the Money HabitudeTM lessons, the Journal and card game can be used effectively as a stand-alone activity. The young person should start with the Journal and conduct the card game when instructed. If you have 60-90 minutes and are only going to do one activity, go directly to Lesson Three, Money HabitudesTM Solitaire, to do the hands-on activity. Each participant should have a deck of cards and enough space to sort them. To do this activity: • Shuffle and sort the statement cards • Read the interpretation cards and identify strengths and challenges • Determine how your money habitudes support or sabotage your goals • Look at the back of the cards for ideas of what to do next The Journal can be used with or without the lessons. If you only have time to conduct the card game and not the lessons, consider giving each participant a Journal to work through on their own time. If you have more time, the other lessons along with the Journal are provided and can be mixed and matched to your specific goals and situation. They will take 45-90 minutes each, or all can be done in a 3-5 hour session. The length of time will depend on how much discussion is built into the lesson and whether the Journal is done as part of your time together or as an assignment to be done at home. LESSON 1 | TEACHING MONEY HABITUDES | IX COPYRIGHT © 2011 BY THE DIBBLE INSTITUTE
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