What value does this reveal in me? 8. What would you think if you saw someone burning a fifty dollar bill? a. The person is foolish b. The person has integrity c. Why doesn’t that person give that money to someone who needs it? d. Something else:_______________________________________________ 9. If you had $20 you didn’t need, would you: a. Buy a magazine subscription b. Buy a shirt or blouse on sale c. Treat a friend to dinner d. Something else:________________________ 10. You are well off financially and you inherit $20,000. W hat would you do? a. Put it all in a savings bank (CD, money market, etc.) b. Invest it all in the stock market c. Spend it all d. Something else:________________________ 11. Which would be your job preference? a. Hard, hands-on or unpleasant work at $400 per week b. Clean and easy work at $200 per week c. Unpleasant but easy work at $300 per week d. Something else:______________________________________________ 12. If you suddenly inherited money and became a millionaire, would you: a. Share your wealth through charities, educational trust funds, help your family, etc. b. Continue in your present responsibilities and activities c. Really live it up d. Something else:________________________ What have I learned about my values? What do I think influenced my values? Money and values CONTINUED 10 | LESSON 1 | WHY DOES MONEY MATTER?
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