Lesson 6 107 Copyright 2018 Marline E. Pearson Tclear, his lesson offers guidance on how to tell if a relationship is healthy. Utilizing a three-question framework that defines six types of relationships, participants will create sculptures to analyze what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like in the real world. The goal is for participants to develop a deeper understanding of the differences and be able to develop communication skills for discussing healthy and unhealthy relationships. A self-assessment exercise helps participants examine their own relationships. The importance of fun in keeping healthy relationships alive and well will also be explored. Youth will be encouraged to generate a list of fun activities to do with friends or partners. Most young people will experience relationships that don’t work. Issues surrounding breaking up are addressed in the final section. Issues include knowing when it’s time, how to begin, and moving forward with life after a breakup. Special attention will be given to young parents because their issues may be more complicated. To analyze the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships To demonstrate using a three-question guide in assessing a relationship To develop a list of fun activities to keep a relationship strong To analyze the issues around breaking up To offer additional tips to young parents who break up Overview Goals Is It a Healthy Relationship?
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