80 • LESSON 5
Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
5.2 Unmet Needs and
Unhealthy Relationships
This section begins with a very brief presentation describing four basic human needs and how
these needs, if they are not met in healthy ways, can lead to poor relationship and sexual choices.
Introduce with the following points:
❖ There are a number of reasons and pressures that help explain why some people engage in risky behavior
and find themselves in an unhealthy relationship.
❖ Some people may have unmet needs. Let’s take a look at the kind of unmet needs that might lie behind
unhealthy relationships.
❖ First, let’s establish that everyone is born with four basic human needs. Note:
Instructor can draw a circle divided into four quadrants labeled as listed
below to aid this mini-presentation or use the PowerPoint provided: (PP)
1. Physical Needs: We all have a basic human need for positive, physical
touch. For example, babies who are neglected—not cuddled and held—
can become sick and fail to grow. We don’t outgrow our need for physical
touch and physical affection. A hand on the shoulder, a hug from a friend, a shoulder massage, a kiss
from your mom, and the physical affection of romantic love are all ways we meet our basic need for
physical touch.
2. Emotional Needs: Everyone wants to feel loved, and everyone has a need for security. We all need
to know that someone is there to love us, no matter what. Another way of saying this is that everyone
has a need for unconditional love from family, friends, or other caring adults.
3. Mental Needs: This need is about how you see yourself and how you want others to think about
you. Most of us care about what others think of us and we want others to see us in a positive light. We
all want to count, to be noticed, to be somebody. We all have a basic need for acceptance and respect.
4. Social Needs: This need involves a desire to belong. Everyone wants to feel that they belong.
Everybody wants to belong to a family and to fit in with friends. We are social animals.
❖ We all have these needs. But, some people may not have had these basic needs met within their families nor
with their friends.
• Board or flipchart paper
• Resource 5b: Unmet Needs
Activity Cards (back of manual)
15 minutes
Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
5.2 Unmet Needs and
Unhealthy Relationships
This section begins with a very brief presentation describing four basic human needs and how
these needs, if they are not met in healthy ways, can lead to poor relationship and sexual choices.
Introduce with the following points:
❖ There are a number of reasons and pressures that help explain why some people engage in risky behavior
and find themselves in an unhealthy relationship.
❖ Some people may have unmet needs. Let’s take a look at the kind of unmet needs that might lie behind
unhealthy relationships.
❖ First, let’s establish that everyone is born with four basic human needs. Note:
Instructor can draw a circle divided into four quadrants labeled as listed
below to aid this mini-presentation or use the PowerPoint provided: (PP)
1. Physical Needs: We all have a basic human need for positive, physical
touch. For example, babies who are neglected—not cuddled and held—
can become sick and fail to grow. We don’t outgrow our need for physical
touch and physical affection. A hand on the shoulder, a hug from a friend, a shoulder massage, a kiss
from your mom, and the physical affection of romantic love are all ways we meet our basic need for
physical touch.
2. Emotional Needs: Everyone wants to feel loved, and everyone has a need for security. We all need
to know that someone is there to love us, no matter what. Another way of saying this is that everyone
has a need for unconditional love from family, friends, or other caring adults.
3. Mental Needs: This need is about how you see yourself and how you want others to think about
you. Most of us care about what others think of us and we want others to see us in a positive light. We
all want to count, to be noticed, to be somebody. We all have a basic need for acceptance and respect.
4. Social Needs: This need involves a desire to belong. Everyone wants to feel that they belong.
Everybody wants to belong to a family and to fit in with friends. We are social animals.
❖ We all have these needs. But, some people may not have had these basic needs met within their families nor
with their friends.
• Board or flipchart paper
• Resource 5b: Unmet Needs
Activity Cards (back of manual)
15 minutes