Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
1. Develop yourself, forge your own identity, and pursue your interests. In the long run,
the best relationships are made of two people who have a positive sense of self and some
direction in life. And, don’t ignore your friends after starting a romantic relationship.
2. Is this a good match? Is this someone you’d choose as a best friend? Do you have some
common interests? Do you find this person fun and interesting?
3. Remember the principles of smart relationships. Sometimes people lower their standards
for how they should be treated just to hold on to a relationship. Some people try to change
themselves or ignore value differences just to keep a relationship (Principles 2, 4, 7).
4. Don’t play games, be phony, or use someone. Act with character. Be responsible. Be real. Be
proud of yourself.
5. Don’t pressure someone or let someone pressure you into sex.
6. Look for a person with character and integrity. Have a vision of the kind of relationship and
partner you want, and let that vision guide your relationship choices.
7. Slow down your emotional desire to be in a serious relationship—to be part of an “us”—too
soon. (Remember—those love chemicals can fool you!) Enjoy your teenage years—get to
know and go out with a variety of people.
8. Handle your attractions with your brain turned on and eyes wide open. Take your time.
9. Know your boundaries before you’re physically intimate with someone. Talk about your
sexual values and agree on boundaries. If you move it, make it a decision, not a slide.
10. Remember that sexual intercourse can create a child. Ask yourself if you are ready
(emotionally and financially) to start a family. Children benefit when they have committed
parents who are ready and able to parent together. Even when pregnancy is not an issue in
a relationship, there are emotional and health risks for sex-too-soon.
11. Good sex tends to go with kind and caring relationships that have matured. It takes self-
development, growth, and maturity to have that kind of relationship.
12. In order to have a great relationship someday, you need to figure out how to be yourself
with a partner who is your equal and whom you find attractive in many ways—not just in a
physical sense.
Parent or Trusted Adult: Compare and discuss your top 2 or 3 with your teen’s top picks.
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12 Tips for Teens
Read through these tips and star the three or four that could be most useful to you.
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