Lesson 6 114 Copyright 2018 Marline E. Pearson SECTION 6.3 Breaking Up This section looks at many of the issues surrounding breaking up: how to decide, why it happens, better and worse ways to end it, and moving forward after a breakup. Special tips are offered for young parents. (PP) Introduce the topic: ❖ There is a quote that says, “People are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Not every friendship or romantic relationship is meant to last. ❖ This program has given you the opportunity to learn more about yourself, recognize what you want and expect, and how to behave in a way that gives you a voice and a choice. ❖ Just like there are healthy and unhealthy ways to start a relationship, there are healthy and unhealthy ways to end one. ❖ How do you know when it’s time, how will you end it, and how will you move on? ❖ Let’s look at a few situations. Give your opinion by giving a thumbs-up or down vote on whether they should stay together or break up. Situations to read aloud: (PP) 1. Your partner lies to you repeatedly. If caught in the lie, there’s an apology. It happens again and again. 2. He only treats you nicely in private. In the house, it’s, “I love you, baby ” but in public, he ignores you or talks crudely to you. At the mall, he has a habit of pointing out hot women and asks why you can’t look like that. • Resource 6d: Breaking Up Tips (pg. 121) • Resource 6e: Surviving a Breakup (pg. 122) • Resource 6g: Tips for Parents (optional, pg. 124) 22 Minutes Activity: Stay Together or Break Up?
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