Lesson 6 84 Copyright 2020 Marline E. Pearson (PP) Pass out an activity card (Resource 6a) and a bag of materials to each group. Read the card and then discuss the questions on the slide. Then, create your sculpture to represent that kind of relationship. Remember, this activity is not about creating great art. Brainstorm symbols and images, and have fun! Use your imagination. You will have ten minutes total to read the card, discuss the questions, and then make a sculpture. Instructor Note: Play music while they work and give a 5-minute and then a 2-minute warning before calling time. Debrief and process (2–4 contrasting ones, depending on time): Everyone please get up and gather around a group and their sculpture. Ask those gathered around: What do you see in this sculpture? Does it look healthy or unhealthy to you? (Invite ideas for just a moment.) Now, the group has the floor to interpret their sculpture. (Validate and use their interpretation as a springboard for a discussion.) When that group is done: Will one of you now read your card aloud to the whole group, please? Repeat this process with one or more sculptures. Have a round of group applause after each. Note: Be sure that you process at least two: one healthy and another unhealthy. If you have time, do four or all five.
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