Lesson 6 89 Copyright 2020 Marline E. Pearson 3. Stay away from the revenge game. Do not spread rumors or try to get even. 4. Get perspective. You are young. Many people go through this. Talk to a trusted adult or parent. 5. Don’t hop into another relationship right away to make your ex jealous or to make yourself feel better. 6. Get busy. Get out. Call friends and do things. 7. Remember, things get better with time. Instructor Note: Emphasize and read the caution bullet at the bottom of the slide. There is a handout on this: Resource 6e, Surviving a Breakup (pg. 122 in the LN SRA 3.0 Manual). If you have young parents in your group, see the talking points in Resource 6g, Tips for Parents (pg. 124 in the LN SRA 3.0 Manual). (PP) If you choose to play Sam Smith’s Too Good at Goodbyes (4 mins.), conclude with these comments: ❖ Sam Smith sings about closing one’s self up after a breakup— saying, “never want to get close again… never want to open my heart to someone again.” ❖ Might some heartbreaks be avoided by taking things more slowly? Going slowly might help you discover if a person is worthy of your love. Another song to consider playing is Lose You to Love Me, by Selena Gomez (3:30 mins.). Points to conclude with: ❖ Selena sings she had to, “lose you to love me.” ❖ Early romances and breakups can be learning experiences. Breakup Song
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