I s I t C ond i i ? You worry about not being good enough. Your partner makes you feel little. You feel like you have to have a lot of money or be or look a certain way in order to keep his or her attention or love. You worry a lot about being dumped. You can’t be the real you. You have to wear a mask. There is little trust or security. C ontroll i or D i c tful ? One partner needs to be the boss. He or she ridicules the words and actions of the other and shows little interest in his or her feelings. The controlled person worries about upsetting his or her partner and often avoids saying or doing things. The controller does not support his or her partner and, in fact, often tries to hold him or her back. One partner thinks he or she is entitled to express his or her anger in any way he or she chooses. M ostly S exual or M ater i ? This relationship is based almost exclusively on sex. Or, it is about the material things a person can get out of this relationship or the status he or she feels by being with him or her. Without this, there would not be much there. There is not a lot of fun or deeper getting to know each other. U n c ond i i ? You both feel appreciated for who you really are. You don’t have to pretend or play games. You do not have to be perfect. You can tell each other about behaviors in each other that you don’t li You support each other in making changes that you each decide to work on. You each show you genuinely care about the other. E qual , R espe c tful , and S upport i ? Both partners treat each other well. Neither dominates or consistently gives in. Both partners feel respected. Each partner feels his or her thoughts, feelings, and needs are important to the other. They know differences and disagreements are inevitable in relationships and do not put each other down when these occur. Both partners feel encouraged by the other to develop and better him/herself. A ttra c t i on M any L evels ? This couple has chemistry, but they also enjoy talking and getting to know each other. They have fun doing things together. They do things based on shared interests and are open to trying new activities that the other one values. They balance time together, apart, and with friends. This relationship is based on a lot more than looks, status, or material things. Trusted Adult Wisdom: Do these three questions reveal whether a relationship is healthy or unhealthy? Any other wisdom to offer your teen about healthy relationships? ............................................................................................................................... .............................. ........................................................................................................................... Signature: _________________________________________________ Lesson 6: RESOURCE 6C 120 Copyright 2018 Marline E. Pearson RelationshipsUnhealthyandHealthy
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