Lesson 6 83 Copyright 2020 Marline E. Pearson respectful—the other person treats you like an equal, is supportive of you, and you make decisions together. 3. Does it feel like the relationship is mostly about sex, status, or material things? Or does the attraction feel like it’s on many levels? ❖ (PP) I have 6 cards, each one describing a healthy or unhealthy relationship in more detail. We’ll do an activity with these cards to explore healthy vs. unhealthy relationships more deeply. ❖ Divide into 5 groups. Here are the directions: • Each group will get a card. One person reads the card aloud to the group. • Then, you’ll discuss that kind of relationship using the questions on the slide. (Read the 3 bullets under #1 on the slide to the class.) Really think about relationships you may have seen like this among your peers or the adults you know in your life. • Finally, your group will make a sculpture using the bag of materials provided to represent that kind of relationship. ❖ (PP) Before you start, we’ll look at an example. • This sculpture represents an unhealthy relationship. • This relationship is based on the money, status, or material things a person gets out of the relationship. Read aloud the descriptions on the slide. Activity: Relationship Sculptures
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