Mind Matters Overview
The Mind Matters Pinwheel |Six Major Topics
The evidence-based materials in this program build on research
in neuroscience and on the work of the leaders in trauma care.
The curriculum focuses on five major topics: (1) Self-Soothing, (2)
Developing an Observing Self, (3) Relationship Skills, (4) Compassion
for the Hijacked Brain, (5) Self-Care, and (6) Intentionality.
1. Self-Soothing
Class begins with the Marshmallow Test for participants to
understand the importance of intentionality. This light-hearted
lesson includes four different self-soothing and emotional
regulation skills.
2. Developing an Observing Self
Developing an Observing Self allows us to observe and monitor events and
processes, thoughts and emotions of our internal world. This observing
capacity is a valuable personal tool and skill, providing a space-in-time
between an event and response. This space-in-time provides an extra
moment to decide how to respond to a given life event. With such tools,
people are better equipped to observe, learn, and make wise choices.
Participants will learn to do a Body Scan, identify emotions, distinguish
thoughts and emotions, and create an Internal Journal. For many, this will
be their first experience with self-study.
3. Relationship Skills
Supportive relationships are key to recovery from trauma. The ability to build relationships is essential.
Participants will learn to listen deeply and are guided in developing compassion and understanding for others.
Participants will also learn how to develop a personal support system and how to ask for help.
4. Compassion for the Hijacked Brain
Most participants in this program experienced trauma in their childhoods. These adverse experiences
have left major effects on thinking and behavior. Overcoming trauma begins with understanding how
traumatic experiences have changed the brain: emotionally, cognitively, and interpersonally. All lessons in
this curriculum are directed towards growing the brain to overcome the impact of these traumas. In the
Compassion for the Hijacked Brain section, participants can take the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Questionnaire, if they wish. We emphasize the importance of installing a daily practice of skills that, over time,
will change the brain’s architecture. Mind Matters is a curriculum of hope.
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