Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
Get busy. When you are out of tears, get busy and get outside. Do things with friends or family. Go
biking, swimming, jogging, skating, kick a ball, shoot baskets, or take walks. Make it a point to do
something physical every day.
Get going with life. Call friends and make plans. Don’t sit around feeling sorry for yourself.
Remember, things get better with time.
Caution: If you are depressed and crying several months later, seek out a parent, relative, trusted adult, or
school counselor to help you deal with your emotions and gain perspective.
(PP) Consider playing one of these songs that offers important reflection
messages for discussion. Ask them to listen to the lyrics carefully.
Sam Smith (Too Good at Goodbyes) sings, “never want to get close
again…never want to open up my heart to someone again.” Ask the group
what they think about closing themself up after a disappointing
relationship or friendship? Might going slowly help a person
discover if they are a good match and worthy of you?
Selena Gomez (Lose You to Love Me) sings she had to “lose you to love me.” Ask: What does that
mean to you? Point out that early romances and breakups can be learning experiences. Remember
good relationships start with you—knowing yourself, what’s important to you, your goals.
It’s knowing what is and isn’t a healthy relationship. It’s using the Seven Principles of Smart
Relationships to guide you in getting to know a person. And importantly taking it slow.
Music Video Opportunity
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