Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
106 LESSON 6
He’ll also tell how he broke out of that cycle. He’s a real stand-up guy. Let’s watch it now.
When finished, ask participants to identify one thing that stood out to them. Conclude by pointing to
his concern for children and what adults model for children.
6.4 Sexual Assault
Instructor note: Let students know you will be discussing a sensitive topic and that you are available
to talk to anyone privately.
(PP) Let’s first define sexual assault.
Sexual assault can take many forms, including attacks such as rape or
attempted rape, as well as any unwanted sexual contact.
It can be when someone touches any part of another person’s body
in a sexual way, even over someone’s clothes, without that person’s
outright consent.
Think of sexual coercion as a range of behaviors. It can vary from someone verbally egging you on to
someone actually forcing you to have contact with them.
Let’s examine that word coercion. Ask: What are some non-physical ways a person can be coerced?
A person can be pressured, tricked, or forced in non-physical ways. It can be verbal and emotional, in the
form of statements that makes a person feel pressure, guilt, shame, or even blackmailed or outed.
For example, “I’ll break up with you if you don’t do such and such.” Or making a person feel guilty,
as in, “If you loved me, you would…” or “I think you are ready—what’s the matter with you”…to
threats of telling lies or rumors about you.
(PP) Let’s watch this short clip on consent as it applies to sexual assault. Play the
3-minute clip.
Resource 6e: Sexual Assault and
Video clip: Tea and Consent
5 minutes
Tea and Consent
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