Lesson 6 117
Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
Hold up cards: I have 6 cards, each one describes a healthy or unhealthy relationship
in more detail. We’ll do an activity with these cards to explore healthy vs. unhealthy
relationships more deeply.
Divide into 6 groups. It works best to have each group gathered around a table. You
can also limit it to 5 groups if you need to since you will show the one on sex, status,
or material things as an example. Pass out a card, bag of materials, and a paper plate to
each group. Continue with the directions:
Each group has a card that describes one of the six types of relationships. Three are healthy,
and three are unhealthy, corresponding to the three questions.
There are two steps here. First, one person reads the card aloud to the group and then
discusses these questions:
Have you ever seen a relationship like this? What kind of behaviors would you see in
this type of relationship?
What is it like/would it be like to be around them?
If you were in that type of relationship, how would it feel?
Secondly, after your discussion, use the materials in the bag and make a sculpture that
represents that relationship.
(PP) Here’s an example of what one group made for their sculpture.
Read the bullets on the slide.
Put the directions slide back up. Remind them to discuss the
questions first before beginning their sculpture.
Have fun. This isn’t about great art or making things look real. Use your imagination.
Think about symbols and images.
Activity: Relationship Sculptures
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