Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
Do you expect your partner to be faithful? What about yourself? What
would you do if you found out your partner was cheating on you?
I expect…
What does commitment mean to you? What kinds of things would
show you that your partner was committed to you?
I expect…
If/when you have sex (or are having sex), what do you want it to mean? A physical connection with no
particular meaning or expectations? Having mutual feelings for each other and a relationship? Connected to
love and commitment? Engagement/marriage?
I expect…
STI/Pregnancy Prevention:
If you become involved sexually, what will you and your partner do to take responsibility for preventing STDs
and/or pregnancy? When should you have that conversation?
I expect…
If you or your partner became pregnant, would you expect to marry and raise your child together? What are
your views on adoption, abortion, or raising a child alone in the case of an unintended pregnancy?
I expect…
my expectations
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