Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
6. Kids in my family:
l Were given responsibilities and were expected to make good choices.
l Had no real responsibilities.
7. Our family:
l Had a system of moral or spiritual beliefs that we shared.
l Had no real set of convictions one way or another.
8. Trust and honesty:
l Were important in my family.
l Were not a big deal in my family.
9. People in my family:
l Made sacrifices for each other we tried to show appreciation in many ways to each other.
l Mostly just looked out for themselves.
10. In my family:
l We could communicate openly and respectfully for the most part.
l The communication was terrible—there were lots of nasty put-downs, negative interpretations, and
constant yelling.
11.The parent(s)/adult(s) in my family:
l Modeled healthy ways to deal with stress and problems.
l Did not deal well with stress or problems.
12. The parent(s)/adult(s) in my family:
l Acted in the same way(s) I would like to act if I marry—make a life commitment to someone.
l Are very different than what I would want to be like if I marry—make a life commitment to someone.
13. The parent(s)/adult(s) in my family:
l Openly expressed love and affection (for example, they gave hugs, said “I love you,” did kind things for
one another).
l Did not openly express love and affection.
14. As a child, I felt:
l Connected and cared for by my parents. We did enjoyable things together.
l Distant and disconnected from my parents. We hardly did anything together.
15. The parent(s)/adult(s) in my home:
l Nurtured and protected the children.
l Neglected, badly treated, or abused the children.
16. Growing up:
l My parent was more like my best friend than one I could look to for guidance. Sometimes it was me
taking care of, or protecting, my parent.
l My parent(s) gave me guidance and took care of my needs.
If your relationship
is safe and you two want a future together,
consider sharing your
responses so you can
work toward the
patterns you want
for your lives.
Copyright 2023 Marline E. Pearson
6. Kids in my family:
l Were given responsibilities and were expected to make good choices.
l Had no real responsibilities.
7. Our family:
l Had a system of moral or spiritual beliefs that we shared.
l Had no real set of convictions one way or another.
8. Trust and honesty:
l Were important in my family.
l Were not a big deal in my family.
9. People in my family:
l Made sacrifices for each other we tried to show appreciation in many ways to each other.
l Mostly just looked out for themselves.
10. In my family:
l We could communicate openly and respectfully for the most part.
l The communication was terrible—there were lots of nasty put-downs, negative interpretations, and
constant yelling.
11.The parent(s)/adult(s) in my family:
l Modeled healthy ways to deal with stress and problems.
l Did not deal well with stress or problems.
12. The parent(s)/adult(s) in my family:
l Acted in the same way(s) I would like to act if I marry—make a life commitment to someone.
l Are very different than what I would want to be like if I marry—make a life commitment to someone.
13. The parent(s)/adult(s) in my family:
l Openly expressed love and affection (for example, they gave hugs, said “I love you,” did kind things for
one another).
l Did not openly express love and affection.
14. As a child, I felt:
l Connected and cared for by my parents. We did enjoyable things together.
l Distant and disconnected from my parents. We hardly did anything together.
15. The parent(s)/adult(s) in my home:
l Nurtured and protected the children.
l Neglected, badly treated, or abused the children.
16. Growing up:
l My parent was more like my best friend than one I could look to for guidance. Sometimes it was me
taking care of, or protecting, my parent.
l My parent(s) gave me guidance and took care of my needs.
If your relationship
is safe and you two want a future together,
consider sharing your
responses so you can
work toward the
patterns you want
for your lives.